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USSSA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
USSSA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This article provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about USSSA

Jon Simone avatar
Written by Jon Simone
Updated over 8 months ago

How do I change my team's name?

Team name changes require approval. Please contact your state director for assistance. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to and click on the sport you are interested in to enter the site.

  2. Click on 'Find A Director' in the main menu.

  3. Highlight your state by clicking on it.

  4. State Director and local director information will be displayed.

I played in a tournament and the results are wrong. How can I get them corrected?

Please email the tournament director for corrections. On the results page, there is a caption that says "Results Provided by [Name]". Click on that name to email the tournament director.

How do I enter my player stats?

To enter player stats, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to access your team page at using your team manager login ID and password.

  2. Your team roster must be entered first before you may enter your player stats.

  3. Click in the circle next to "Player Stats" and click submit.

  4. Highlight the Player, Category, and Action you want to enter stats for.

  5. Fill in the spaces below and then click submit.

Note: USSSA Tournaments must be posted before you can enter the player stats of that tournament. You must add the totals as you go along. Managers have the option to enter stats for Non-USSSA Tournaments and Leagues by highlighting the appropriate category.

How do I enter a tournament online?

Your team must be registered online to enter events online. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to and click on the sport your team plays to enter the site.

  2. Click on "Log in/Log out" and enter your login ID and password.

  3. Below your team name, find the option "Find A Tournament / League".

  4. Click in the circle next to it and then click submit.

  5. Set your search criteria by clicking on the options that you would like to find tournaments on.

Note: You may click in the circle under "Find An Event" to show only events for the class you select or show all events your team is eligible to participate in. In the "Event Type", you will get better results by keeping the "All Tournaments and League Formats" option selected.

  1. You may enter a date if you would like, or you may leave it blank. Click Submit.

  2. When you have found the tournament that you would like to enter, click on the amount to "Pay Online Now" or "Entry without online payment". These options may or may not be available, depending on how the tournament director entered the event.

  3. Click the button on the option that you would like. This will bring you to the online payment page.

  4. Fill in all required information. You will be given a confirmation page when your payment is accepted.

Why is your website not functioning properly?

Make sure that you always go directly to when working with our site. If you link from another site such as a state site, you will be viewing a framed version of our site and you will have problems.

My insurance payment won't go through. Why?

Make sure that you always go directly to when working with our site. If you link from another site such as a state site, you will be viewing a framed version of our site and you will have problems.

Your team must be registered before you may purchase insurance. Make sure that you are logged in with your USSSA login ID and password when you go to the insurance page to purchase your insurance.

I uploaded a new picture, why do I still see the old one?

If you have uploaded a new photo and are still seeing the old one, you probably need to clear your cookies and delete your temporary internet files to view the updated photo.

I have questions about my team's roster, classification, and player eligibility. Can you help me?

Please contact your state director for assistance.

  1. Go to and click on the sport you are interested in to enter the site.

  2. Click on "Find A Director" on the left.

  3. Highlight your state by clicking on it and then click submit.

  4. State Director and local director information will be displayed.

How do I print my team card?

Your team must be registered and you must have a login ID and password.

You have the option to print your card on your team manager menu. You must be logged in and your team/member must be registered. If you need your login ID and password, please send your team registration number to [email protected]. Click on the correct team and select "Print Membership Card". You may print your card here and keep it with you.

How do I remove my existing photo of my team?

To change your team or player's photo, email [email protected] with your registration number. She will remove your existing photo. You will then be able to post another photo. For team players, please email the player ID number.

How do I upload a new photo?

To upload your team photo:

  1. Team picture dimensions should be 640x480 or 320x240 pixels. Any other size will distort.

  2. Log in first using your USSSA user ID.

  3. Navigate to your team's page.

  4. Locate the link towards the right side of the page that says "Upload "Your Team Name" Photo".

  5. Click on "Browse" and locate the photo on your hard drive. It's very important that you remember where you saved the photo.

  6. Highlight the name of the file that contains the photo by clicking on it and then click "Open". You may also double-click on the file name.

  7. The file location on your hard drive will be displayed in the box that says "Upload an Image from your computer."

  8. Click "Upload File". You will see a message in your picture frame that says "Picture waiting for approval from Please allow two days for approval."

  9. Most pictures are approved the same day as upload. When your photo has been approved, it will appear on your screen.

Individual pictures may be any size. On your team page, you may click on "Roster History". Your roster will display. Click on the player's name to view the player's page. Click on "Add Picture" to upload your player's picture.

To size the photo:

  • Open the photo in Paint to reduce or enlarge the file size. The correct size will be 640 x 480 pixels.

  • Click on "Image" and then click on "Stretch/Skew" to reduce or enlarge it.

  • Then click on "Image", then "Attributes" to view the file size. Make sure that you have selected pixels.

Note: If you receive an error that says your file is not a valid picture file, make sure that you always go directly to when working with our site. If you link from another site such as a state site, you will be viewing a framed version of our site and you will have problems.

How do I alter the size of my picture?

Open the photo in Paint to reduce or enlarge the file size. The correct size will be 640 x 480 pixels. Click on "Image" and then "Stretch/Skew" to reduce it. Then click on "Image", then "Attributes" to view the file size. Make sure that you have selected pixels.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact the USSSA support team.

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